Take advantage of Neighborhood Advantage Checking today!
Neighborhood Advantage Checking
Utilized by customers who want to keep things simple; this account requires no minimum balance and charges no service charge.
- Features: No minimum balance; no service charge
- Opening Deposit: $100
- Service Charge: None
- Service Charge Waived if: N/A
Interest Checking
Utilized by customers who keep a larger daily balance in their checking account to waive the monthly service charge and earn interest on their checking account.
- Features: lnterest-bearing account
- Opening Deposit: $100
- Service Charge: $9
- Service Charge Waived if: $1,000 daily minimum available balance or $2,000 monthly average available balance or $5,000 combined balance**
For more information contact a Bank representative at (619) 789-4400.
**Combined balance is the daily minimum balance in an Interest Checking account and the daily balance in a linked Neighborhood Advantage Savings, Money Market and/or Certificate of Deposit.